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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


well were do is tart i think communisum is the best it lets people live eqully and we should all thak marx and engles and lenin but josef stalin he ruend it i mean he did get the soviet union in to the wourld stage but he killed heaps of people on the way and he rulled with an iron fist and i think thats good in some ways but other ways not so good like budapest uprising and how he just sent tanks to crush them down and people desuve a say but communisum was the best thing that happend in russia.


hey guys

i think blogging is a way to get your feelings out to the world, and let people know what your doin in your life

Thursday, February 26, 2009

internet safty

I will not give out any personal information online without my parents' permission. This includes my name, phone number, address, e-mail, location of my school, my parents' work address/ telephone numbers and credit card numbers, and my picture. This goes for anywhere on the Internet, including e-mail, chat rooms, newsgroups - even Web sites that promise me free stuff or prizes, or on Web pages that I make myself.

When using the Internet, I will always use a pretend name or nickname that doesn't reveal whether I'm a boy or a girl.

When creating a password, I will make one up that is hard to guess but easy for me to remember. To avoid having it stolen, I will never reveal it to anyone (except my parents) - not even my best friend.

I will not respond to any message that makes me uncomfortable. I will show an adult right away.

I will arrange to meet a friend I have made on the Internet ONLY if one of my parents has been informed and will be present.

I will not send an insulting or rude message to anyone online. This is called "flaming" and it is not good Netiquette.

I will not disable any filtering software my parents have put on the computer.

I will not open e-mail, files, links, pictures or games from people that I don't know or trust. I will always ask an adult first.

I will not take words, pictures or sounds from someone else's Web site without their permission.

I will not believe everything I read on the Internet. I will always check the source of the information and confirm it with my teacher, parent or librarian.

internet safty